• The Gift of Children: Four-Legged Ones


    I've never gone to a movie alone.

    Movies, to me, cannot truly be enjoyed unless they're shared. I like to experience emotions with someone else, share the popcorn, discuss the plot, and retell the jokes on the car ride home.

    So when I say I appreciate movies, I'm really saying that I appreciate companionship.

    I think that's true when we take a moment on Sunday to bless our pets.

    After all, pets are all about companionship - and healthy companionship at that.

    Studies show that a loving pet reduces blood pressure, heart disease, and stress. Pets improve our moods, keep us out of doctor's offices, and help those with abnormal heart rhythms live longer.

    The benefits are particularly acute for those who live alone. A Swedish study found that dog ownership significantly reduced the risk of heart disease and lowered one's overall risk of death.

    93% of pet owners said their dog makes them a better person, making them more patient, responsible, and affectionate.

    And another poll found that one out of three dog owners prefer their dog to their partner...

    The gift of companionship with our blessed creatures is meant to remind us of the gift of companionship with our Almighty Creator. So bring your pet on Sunday at 10:00 a.m. for a blessing, and let us together thank them and the one who gave them to us. 

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