• Showing Up as Vocation

    The notion that that deadly Miami condominium collapse may not have been the fault of a terrorist or natural disaster - but of lax oversight by a volunteer condo committee, is enough to wake a lot of us up.

    I’m talking about anyone who's ever sat on a condo board, a neighborhood association, little league board, or a church vestry.

    All of a sudden our tedious, mundane, under-appreciated, and sometimes boring work can go way sideways. And we’re shown how critical it is for us to show up, time after time, with our game faces on.

    This is what made Jesus so remarkable.

    The essential element in his personal magnetism was his consuming focus, determination, sincerity, and overwhelming faith in the importance of his work.

    This guy showed up - always - which is what we see front and center in our gospel this Sunday.

    It’s the story of Jesus performing miracles everywhere but in his hometown, where no one believe in him.

    But despite this hiccup, Jesus went on.
    He tried something else.
    He sent his disciples.
    And they healed and cured.

    This notion of determination - of single-minded focus - is crucial because we’re always trying to shout down those voices of apathy and negativity - and we need to be reminded that our everyday, seemingly unimportant work - is much more important than we know - and we do not want a Miami condo disaster to be the only way we wake up to this.

    Which makes me wonder:
    What do I need to wake up? To perk up? To show up?
    How about you?

    How is this our spiritual vocation?

    How is Jesus asking us - and equipping us - to show up well-prepared and ready - and assuring us that, as much as anything else, this is our spiritual job and duty?


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