• Our Ministry of Mending


    The toddler got into the hair tonic.

    Apparently he had seen dad use the pomade to help hair that was going the wrong way go the right way. So the 2-year-old, who often wakes up with a windswept, Donald Trump hairdo, decided it was time for him to do the same.

    He was very well intentioned. He knew what the pomade would do. He knew, approximately which part of his body to which it might be applied. He just wasn't real sure exactly where; his cheek, his mouth, oh yeah, his hair...

    Trying to make right that which has gone wrong is not simply a human predilection, it’s at the heart of Jesus's ministry.

    On Sunday we will see Jesus launching headlong into his work of healing, casting out demons, and proclaiming the good news of the Gospel. He is all about putting back to rights that which has gone wrong. And he was very good at it.

    You and me… not so much.
    As I make comparatively feeble attempts at imitating him, I can't help but think that I look like the toddler with the hair tonic.

    My mending, repairing, reconciling, and reordering, never seem to go as well as I'd like.  While I enjoy modest success, I also endure my share of failure.

    But I suspect that’s ok.
    I believe God is honored not simply when we fix things, but when we try to fix things.

    And just as that toddler will one day grow up to make his hair just right, so too, as we mature and grow, will we find ways to make all sorts of things right.

    Be encouraged, keep moving toward the light, and doing what’s right.

    See you Sunday

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