• Light Switch or Dimmer Switch?


    Some people describe their faith as a light switch.

    One moment they didn't believe, the next moment they did.
    One moment they weren't saved, the next moment they were.
    One moment they were in the dark, the next, they were in the light.

    "Light switch faith" lets us point to a certain moment when the lights were off then suddenly came on - and once the lights are on, they're on, and that's as bright as it gets.

    Other people believe faith is more like a dimmer switch.

    At our baptisms, the light starts coming on.
    Then as we grow, at our Confirmations and other times of spiritual awakening, the light can gradually become brighter.

    "Dimmer switch faith" suggests that we always have the ability to make things both darker - and brighter - that we can certainly step back and sit on a plateau - but we can also move toward God, seek the light, and turn that dimmer switch up.

    In Sunday’s Gospel we hear one of those many occasions when Jesus describes what ’turning up the dimmer switch’ looks like - and it’s not easy. It involves looking less at our own interests, and concentrating more on the interests of others. 

    The more we shoulder the burdens of others, take on responsibilities we’ve been avoiding, forgiving those who don’t ask for, or deserve, forgiveness - when we name our cross - and choose to carry it - the light of Christ becomes brighter both for us and in us.

    Jesus said, ’They will know we are Christians by our love’ - that light of love that comes from above, and shines forth as we do loving acts of service.

    Where’s your dimmer switch set today?
    What does ’turning up the dimmer switch’ look like for you?
    How might this 40 day period of Lent help us turn it up and shine?

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