• 7 Things to Remember When You’re Not Happy Where You Are

    Few people are unhappy all of the time, but even fewer people are not unhappy some of the time. So next time you’re feeling discontent, try remembering one or more of the following:

    You are not alone. 
    Plenty of other people are not happy where they are right now. Welcome to the club. Chances are, if you choose to share your feelings with others you’ll find yourself in good company.

    Others have it worse.
    Think for a moment about the myriad of people whose life circumstances find them abused, threatened, living in squalor, or in persistent pain.  Be aware that there are many others whose suffering surpasses our own.

    There is a lesson to be learned
    All great art, many great inventions, and nearly every pulse of empathy comes as a gift of unhappiness. Not always and not right away, but don’t let your season of sadness end without learning, creating, discovering, or contemplating something new.

    It is not all bad
    After chemotherapy my friend always buys a milk shake. Trying to pay more attention to the little treats that invariably punctuate times of unhappiness can make the season bearable.

    You’re where God wants you
    Saints through the ages report regular periods of unhappiness and disillusionment. This does not mean they have wandered from God’s will, but that unhappiness is frequently a part of it.

    We are in control
    Since happiness is a choice, perhaps not always, but much of the time, there are definite steps we can take to lessen and even pull ourselves out of our funk.

    Unhappiness is a season not a sentence.

    While it may not feel like it, feelings of unhappiness are transient. You have felt unhappy before and gotten over it, it’s more than likely the same will happen this time. 
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