• Follow Me

    When Jesus said ‘Follow me’ it was both a challenge and an invitation - to follow his example…

    Follow Jesus' example of healing others:

    Be aware and on the lookout for those around us who are hurting - who around us in pain?

    Use our words and actions to make things better - how can we bring healing, peace, reconciliation to a situation?

    Be the first to take action - whether it’s to say we’re sorry, take the blame, or put the situation back together.

    Follow Jesus' example of sticking up for justice:

    Call out injustice when you see it

    Empower the less and the least

    Befriend the vulnerable and poor

    Follow Jesus' example of faithful living:

    Pray often and sincerely

    Give alms and attention to all who need it

    Don’t acquire more than we need

    Follow Jesus' example of faithful suffering:

    Don’t try to get out of the difficult but necessary work

    Don’t complain about it

    Don’t brag about it.

    Follow Jesus' example of trust:

    Trust that God will care  - God will see us to the mountaintop or care for us in the valley

    Trust that God will provide - it may not be what we want but it’s what we need

    Trust that God will guide - we may not see it, but God’s hand never leaves us

    When you think about Jesus’ invitation to follow me - what comes to your 

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