• Bring on the Fire

    I woke up early the other day, so worried about something that I was unkind to those around me.

    Unable to put things into perspective, I was inconsiderate and preoccupied with something that ultimately didn’t amount to anything.

    I hate when that happens.

    In fact, when I take a mental inventory, I can think of a number of aspects of my life that do not inspire pride. Maybe you’re like me and have wrestled with moments of over-worry, unforgiveness, selfishness, catty conversation, and little faith?

    Don’t we wish we could pile all those unsavory aspects of our behaviors into a wheelbarrow, take them to a bonfire, and watch them go up in smoke?

    On Sunday we will hear Jesus described as one who gathers the chaff, that which is unwanted and unneeded, and burns it with unquenchable fire. 

    This is such and important and attractive part of Jesus’ ministry: that we can be free of those aspects of our lives that are not life-giving and productive for ourselves or others.

    What would life be like if we could get rid of our worst habits?

    While this is far from instant - the Christian life suggests it can happen gradually - as we move to make our participation in Jesus' divine life a bigger part of our human lives - to help melt away all that junk that’s better off elsewhere.

    What Christ bids of us, is to get closer to the fire - close enough to warmly nurture that which gives life - and closer still to burn away that which does not. 

    In this season of Epiphany, what does God want to burn away? What’s the chaff? And how are we going about our work of drawing closer to the Light - and the fire - that heals and brings life. 
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