• Why Following Jesus Is Difficult

    Hard working young marrieds moved into Green Acres, she a teacher, he an assistant city clerk.

    Unfortunately, selfish neighbors lived next door. After-midnight music blared, grass wasn't mowed, leaves weren't raked, complaints were rudely ignored.

    The selfish neighbors did not use garbage cans. On trash day animals ate through plastic bags strewing garbage everywhere. Police came. After the rude neighbors were ticketed mysterious scratches appeared on the young married’s cars, tire tracks burned into the lawn. Nothing was proven but everyone knew.

    One day a home remodeling application from the rude neighbors appeared in the young neighbor's city office. Time for revenge? Deny or endlessly delay... What to do...

    At dinner the young marrieds decided the application should be approved. Their faith said so. But, boy was it difficult.

    This is often why people leave Jesus. It's difficult.

    Tempted to retaliate, we forgive.
    Tempted to worry, we hope.
    Tempted toward selfishness, we share.
    Tempted to being cold and closed, we risk love.

    A few weeks later a knock at the door. His rude neighbor held out the application. He knew. The nastiness subsided, peace came, then friendship. 

    This is a happy ending, most aren’t. But the only way to make an enemy a friend is to love them. Period. 
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