The Real Power of Pentecost

  • One day a woman went for a hike.

    She crossed a river and spotted a priceless gemstone sparkling in the water.

    She bent down, picked it up, and put it in her backpack. Later she came across a man in need. He asked her for some lunch. She opened her backpack to hand him her sandwich. The man saw the priceless gemstone and asked if he could have it. Without hesitation the woman handed it to him.

    The man walked away joyfully thinking of all the things he was going to buy.

    Later he decided to go back to the woman. When he found her he said he wanted to buy something from her. She wondered what he possible might want. He said, “Remember the way you gave me that priceless gemstone - without hesitation?” 
    She said yes.
    He said, "I want that.”

    On Sunday we celebrate the gift of Pentecost. We celebrate the power of God coming down from heaven and resting upon God's chosen people. This power is not political, military, or corporate. This is the power to serve, to love, and to give. This is the most valuable power on the face of the earth.

    Every day, you and I are tempted to seek after all sorts of things, the next step on the career ladder, our reputations, our social standing, our financial portfolios, etc. Pentecost invites us to seek after something else: the power of the bended knee, the offering hand, and the generous heart.

    May Pentecost remind us that this is where the greatest strength lies, these are the most valuable pursuits in the world. 
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