• Why Jesus Was Never Sick

    Not long ago a researcher took 132 multiple sclerosis (MS) patients and formed two groups.

    In the first group, people met individually with a doctor to learn coping skills. In the second group, people met individually with one of 5 other MS patients to receive support. The goal was to see which group fared better: those who learned coping skills from a doctor, or those who heard from a fellow MS sufferer.

    At the end of the test period, researchers found that members of both groups fared about the same. However, their surprise finding was that the health and well-being of the 5 MS patients who offered support dramatically changed. Depression, self-confidence, and self-esteem improved markedly. One researcher said, “These people had undergone a spiritual transformation that gave them a refreshed view of who they were." 

    The conclusion was simple: caring for others brought healing for the caregivers.

    Where is our illness?

    If not physical, is it in the societal ills of sexism, racism, addiction, mistreatment of the marginalized, or our growing economic inequities (today 8 men have as much wealth as half the world’s population)? We find it is not enough to blame, complain, ignore, or distract ourselves from these pains - these are the most popular coping skills - but when we find ways to jump in and help solve the problem. 

    Caring for others brings healing to caregivers.

    This Sunday we will hear of numerous ways Jesus healed, including exorcisms and severe fevers, which betray the compassion he had for others. Sure, this was obviously great news for those who were healed, but let us also understand it was very good for the caregiver - maybe this is how Jesus stayed healthy and sane amidst such suffering?

    So you and I ask: What illness is burning us up? And what can we do to jump in and help? There is where our healing may be found. 
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