We see people and things not as they are but as we are.
This is why we have such differing experiences of people and places. In fact, the way we see others points out much more about ourselves than it does about others.
That’s why growing in awareness is so important; awareness of who we are, who others are, who God is, and what the world is all about.
We can do this in four distinct ways. We become more aware when we ask: 1) At regular intervals of the day and week, ‘why am I here and what do I want?’ 2) How am I making ongoing learning and education a strong component of who I am? 3) How do I get too busy? and 4) How am I in intentional relationships with others that allow me to hear alternative awarenesses?
It’s been said that awareness is God's most valuable gift, that this is what Christ provided on the cross, and that is available to you and me through the gift of faith and the fruit of our labors. How are we being called to accept and cultivate awareness?
It’s been said that awareness is God's most valuable gift, that this is what Christ provided on the cross, and that is available to you and me through the gift of faith and the fruit of our labors. How are we being called to accept and cultivate awareness?