The most important thing
we can do right now is to center ourselves.
This means reminding
ourselves of who we are, what we’re here for, and why we’re doing what we’re
doing. It means re-owning our singularity and sacredness. It means abandoning
the sense that we’re somehow missing out on another life, one that’s more special
than the one we’re living.
No, we must seize this
one. We must live deeply into our individuality, which Jesus has made divine.
Our most important job is to be ourselves.
This is not easy because
despite its infinite beauty and possibility we cannot forget there’s a
conspiracy afoot to knock us off course. Our greatest enemy is distraction.
What’s distraction look
like for you? In what ways is today taking us off course – or putting us back
on course? How can we live more deeply, right now, into who we are, what we’re
here for, and what we’re meant to be doing? How can we center ourselves?