Ever been caught in one of these traps?
A loveless marriage?
A body that just won't cooperate?
A dead-end job?
A dysfunctional family?
An addictive behavior?
An undesirable economic situation?
An unhealthy habit?
A boring and dreary life?
Sometimes that trap is so strong it’s all we can see. The
walls close in. We feel bound, limited, constrained and depressed.
Jesus knows all about traps. He spent much of his earthly
life avoiding them. And even when he was caught, it was only for 3 days. I
suspect Jesus was unable to be trapped because 1) he knew that any earthly trap
was temporary, 2) he was content with what he had, and 3) he looked to God at
all times.
What is the trap you’re in?
Can we begin to understand that it’s only temporary, that we can find some sort of peace in it, and can we look to God to bring us through it? Every trap offers the opportunity to be transformed. God doesn’t set traps, but God uses them to transform us more fully into the image and likeness of Jesus.
Can we begin to understand that it’s only temporary, that we can find some sort of peace in it, and can we look to God to bring us through it? Every trap offers the opportunity to be transformed. God doesn’t set traps, but God uses them to transform us more fully into the image and likeness of Jesus.