You’ve been brave this week. You did something new. You didn’t
know if it would pay off but you tried it anyway. You might do it again. You
might not. But you stepped out, danced on the wire, confronted fear; you were
You forgave someone this week. Ya, they were wrong. You had
every right to hit back, withhold, pout, and let the stale tension of
unresolved hurt simmer. But you didn’t. You swallowed, resolved, and pulled
that pot off the stove before it boiled. It was tough, but you did it.
You took the risk to love this week. You opened up. You know
you can’t love unless you’re vulnerable yourself. And you did. It may have paid
off, it may have blown up, but you risked, and that has its own reward.
You made somebody’s day this week. Maybe on purpose, maybe
not. But you brightened a moment, an hour, a day. Ya, it was a hassle. You
thought about them when you’ve got plenty on your own plate. You spent what you
had. You powered through. You brought it home.
My dear ones, you are soldiers in the service of joy. You
are messengers of shining hope. You create, step out, you take on, you show up.
And I am proud. I can’t wait to see what you, and Christ in you, is up to next.
And I am proud. I can’t wait to see what you, and Christ in you, is up to next.
Fail - JR Briggs
Learning to Dream Again - Samuel Wells
We Make the Road by Walking- Brian McLaren
Fail - JR Briggs
Learning to Dream Again - Samuel Wells
We Make the Road by Walking- Brian McLaren