• The Best Thing About Religion Is God

    While this may be a no-brainer it is also the most forgotten axiom in the Christian church.

    I must confess, to no surprise of most, that I live much of my life as a functional atheist – trusting in my own gifts and skills and only really reaching out for God when I have a problem or need help. Sure, I go to church and offer thanks and praise, but going through the motions of my spiritual life is a bigger part of my life than I like to admit.

    This Sunday you and I will hear about a wise Jewish leader named Nicodemus whose religion had become such a big part of his life that he was in danger of leaving God out of the picture.

    Thankfully he reached out to Jesus and was reawakened to the reality of God.

    And this is our Lenten challenge as well: to renew our relationship not with the church or religion, but with God. How can we draw closer to God during this holy season? After all, this is the most attractive part, not only of our faith, but of ourselves. Sure, we may be handsome, witty, well-liked, and well off, but we all know deep down that the most attractive part of us is the Jesus inside of us. What do we need to do to make that a bigger part of us?
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