• The Ultimate Pickup Line

    They say dating is a numbers game... so can I get yours?

    Do you have a sunburn, or are you always this hot?

    Does your left eye hurt? Because you've been looking right all night.

    And the list goes on. Chessy pick up lines. At the heart of them lies varied motivations; from one-night stands, to friendship, to honestly looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right. And if one is looking for the latter, the idea of approaching someone to get to know them can be awkward, frightening, but necessary if you’re really interested in finding what you’re looking for.

    This is what’s at play in Sunday’s gospel – when two disciples approach Jesus. They’ve obviously seen something they like when they begin to follow him. Jesus turns, notices them, and cuts to the chase, ‘What are you looking for?’ The disciples do the same and simply respond, ‘Where are you staying?’ To which Jesus offers the ultimate invitation, ‘Come and see.’

    It is in this simple, stripped-down exchange that you and I see our own journey with God. We too are attracted to Jesus and want to know more. We too don’t know exactly what we’re looking for, but suspect Jesus has it. And we too hear Jesus’ response, which is always to draw nearer.

    It is a simple message that challenges every priority you and I have – to get down to the basics of what we want (love, peace, purpose, add your own) and to pursue the best avenue we know to get there. So do we really suspect there’s something to this God business? What keeps us from, ‘coming and seeing?’ How are we following?

    The Lean Startup – Eric Ries
    The Guidebook (NRSV Bible)
    Alexander Hamilton – Ron Chernow
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