• Faith

    The most valuable asset you have is your faith.

    This is not a religious statement. This is an acknowledgment of what most of the world through most of human history has needed to move forward.

    Faith is believing in the unseen. It is trusting that that idea, invention, partnership, or screenplay, that has been dropped into your lap will work.

    Faith is believing that something beyond ourselves is doing it.  That's why faith is owning up to the fact that whatever accomplishments we've achieved were largely based on elements beyond our control.

    It takes a faithful soul to create, invent, make, and build. And if we are actively involved in doing any of this then we know the importance of taking faith seriously.

    Is there a spiritual dimension to human life? Undoubtedly. And our biggest regret in too many people's lives is not acknowledging or pursuing it.

    The Guidebook (NRSV Bible)
    Do the Work! - Steven Pressfield
    Alexander Hamilton - Ron Chernow
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