• Holding On

    This summer the kids and I flew kites by the beach.

    Notice the plural here.

    Yep, more than one got away. Which didn’t really bother me. Dollar store kites.

    When a kite is tethered to the string it stays up bold and blowing, catching the eyes of onlookers and making the kids laugh.  Even once the string breaks nothing happens initially - the kite continues to fly, and can even soar to new heights.

    But inevitably, there’s a tailspin and somewhere there’s a crash.

    That’s what happens to me when I let go of God.

    At first it feels good to be untethered – to bask in the glory of freedom. But inevitably there’s a collapse.

    So I know that my job is to hold onto God. And I do this in a lot of ways, but especially by going to church.

    How about you?

    How are you holding onto God today? How are you letting God hold you?

    I know how easy it is to let go of God. I know the false allure of going off on my own. But I also know it’s best to stay connected. That’s why I love my church. They hold onto me.

    The Bible
    Pursuing God’s Will Together – Ruth Haley Barton

    Leaders Make the Future – Bob Johansen
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