• The Lord with Make Himself Known

    Day 222: Isaiah 19:21
    To join us on our Bible Challenge adventure to read the Bible in a year, download the reading guide.

    Throughout much of the Hebrew Scriptures, even Isaiah, we are used to hearing how fed up and angry God is. When we look closer it usually seems to be with those who oppress others, take advantage of the weak, and make a life out of being selfish. And we see that we, too, get angry at these things.

    In this passage we also see how jubilant Good can be when we show love, respect, and care for others.  We see that God will make God's self known, not just to Israel, which is what's so surprising here, but to Egypt and Assyria - when Egypt and Assyria decide to follow the ways of the Lord, God will not withhold God's blessings - even Israel's enemies are not God's enemies.

    How often we may feel like God's enemies - when God desires us all to be blessed if we will just follow God's ways. How are we opening ourselves up to God today?
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