• A God of Hope

    Day 225: Isaiah 25:7-8
    This is part of a daily commentary on readings from The Bible Challenge
    To join us on our Bible Challenge adventure to read the Bible in a year, download the reading guide.

    Perhaps hope is a genetic trait.

    Perhaps it is a spiritual gift.

    However it is certainly an attribute of the Judeo-Christian God: that God is hopeful and God's love for us empowers us to be confident, not arrogant, well-pleasing, not boastful.

    It is this hope, that is exemplified in Isaiah's promise to 'tear down shrouds of darkness and death' and to bring about joy and contentment that is is a strong attribute of God.  Therefore it ought to be a strong attribute of ours. We're not hopeful because we are naive, we are hopeful because we believe God. And it is this faith that is true.

    How might we mirror God's attribute of hopefulness in our lives today?
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