• Don't Tiptoe

    It’s been said that all around us people are tiptoeing through life.

    Staying close to shore. Not taking chances. Allowing their dreams to visit them only when they’re sleeping.

    However, to tiptoe through life in order to arrive safely at death is not a good recipe for contentment, much less meeting the potential we’ve been given.

    A far better way is to run, hop, skip, dance, create, and imagine our way through life – anything but tiptoe.

    What makes us tiptoe is fear. And much of our fear is so deeply ingrained we can’t begin to name it. But it rules and dominates us in ways we really don’t like.

    This is why you and I desperately need Pentecost.

    This Sunday we are celebrating this church feast, which commemorates the coming of God’s Spirit to be with us. This is not to say we didn’t have God before, or that we now have some sort of double-dose. What it does say is that you are beloved by a God who is in you. You are watched over by God. You are not alone. No matter what happens all will be well because you have God and God has you.

    In what ways are you tiptoeing through life? In what ways do you need to get more risky? How might you better grab hold of the fact that God is in us and with us and isn’t going anywhere?

    Thin Blue Smoke – David Worgul
    Switch – Heath Brothers
    The Online Teaching Survival Guide – Boechtter/Conrad
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