• We Will Stand with Boston

    n Boston on Monday, two bombs scattered the sheep.

    Many who hadn’t come to race, found themselves running anyway.

    Others became shepherds.

    They turned their coats into bandages. They carted the injured off to safety. They returned home with bloodstains. Others opened their homes to the stranded. Donated blood. Bowed their heads in prayer.

    Coming to the aid of those who suffer is at the heart of what it means to be human. It is here where we find our deepest fulfillment. Given the choice to own a Ferrari, date a celebrity, or save someone’s life I would not be surprised if most people chose the latter.

    And God knows this. In fact, this Sunday churches around the world will celebrate Good Shepherd Sunday, which is when we grab hold of that soul-saving notion that, just as God protects and keeps our souls, we are at our very best when we do the same.

    So as we move through the myriad of emotions - fear, insecurity, grief, and loss – we do well to consider that our anecdote lies in the courage to stand up, run to the rescue, care for the afflicted, and give of ourselves to those who need it. May the Good Shepherd grant us strength so to do.

    A link
    to some helpful prayers

    The Guidebook (NRSV Bible)
    God is Red – Liao Yiwu

    Entrepreneurial Leadershp Goosen and Stevens
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