How Focused Are You?

  • Are you confusing 'Busy' with 'Productive?' Jesus Didn't.

    I know this really busy guy who recently hired someone to sit next to him at his desk at work.

    Her job is to monitor what he is doing throughout the workday, like typing an important email, or watching a surfing squirrel on YouTube.

    And he pays this woman to sit next to him and elbow him in the side every time he gets off task. Sure, my friend is busy, but he's realized that being busy is not the same as being productive. And our tendency to confuse the two can literally sabotage our ability to be who we're called to be and do what we really want to do.

    This Sunday we will hear an amazing conversation with Jesus, in which his detractors use fear and intimidation to pull Him off track. They try to lure him to an easier, safer path. Sure, He can still do his ministry, but elsewhere.

    Of course Jesus will have nothing of it. He will remain firmly on task, and not give way. Jesus is firm enough in his conviction on who He is and what He is called to do, that no one seems to be able to shift His sights off of Jerusalem.

    In what ways do we substitute busy-ness for productivity? Are we spending too much time on incidentals and avoiding the hard, but important work? How might the Holy Spirit be working to help us discern?

    Generation to Generation - Edwin Friedman
    Practice Resurrection - Eugene Peterson
    Thin Blue Smoke - Doug Worgol
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