• Faith It Till You Make It

    Faith it Till You Make It

    I have a friend named Steve.
    He is one of the best-prepared people I know.
    He carries an over-stuffed briefcase.
    He is early for appointments.
    And he wears a suit and tie everywhere.
    When I asked him, while sitting in his faceless entry-level office cubicle, why he conducts himself this way, he said the executives he most admires behave in the same manner.
    And if their world is ever going to be his world, he had better start acting like it.

    On All Saints’ Sunday you and I ponder what life in that other world is all about, and the ways this affects our lives in this world.

    All Saints’ Sunday purports to be a thin place, where the veil between this kingdom, and the Kingdom Come is slim at best.  It is on this day that you and I are encouraged to get on the stick – to act like Christianity is really real – and really think about the ‘what if?’ questions:
    • What if good wins out?
    • What if all of our patience, kindness, and charity are rewarded?
    • What if there really is a God who has walked right beside us all these years?
    • What if, our relatives who have preceded us in glory are shouting at us at this very moment, trying to jar our cemented feet into motion, saying, ‘Yes, yes, it’s all true! Give your life away! Take up your cross! Sell it all and give your all to following Jesus!’?

    All Saints’ Sunday can’t help but encourage us to ‘faith it till we make it’ – to strive to comprehend what that other world – God’s world - is all about. Because if that world is ever going to be our world, we had better start acting like it.

    Missional Communities – Reggie McNeal
    The Pastor – Eugene Peterson
    Renovation of the Church – Carlson/Lueken

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