• God Waits

    Why doesn’t God do something?
    Whether it’s about dictators who slaughter innocents, politicians who can’t find budget compromises, or media folk who condone dishonest newsgathering to pad the bottom line.  Is the Almighty paying any attention?  What is God waiting for?

    We get some insight this Sunday when we hear Jesus tell a parable.  It’s about God planting seeds during the day, then an enemy sneaking around at night and planting weeds on top of them.  When the sabotage is discovered, we hear that the Lord doesn’t pull up all the plants, but allows the good plants and the weeds to grow side by side until the harvest.  Judgment is not immediate.  Harsh transgression is not met with instant chastisement.  And that can really bother us.

    How many of us yearn to see the backstabber at the office found out - and that sleazy acquaintance who’s sleeping around, finally discovered?  And when it doesn’t happen we get angry, discouraged, and frustrated.  But while Jesus may not offer a detailed explanation, He makes it clear that this won’t go on forever.  There will be an end, a judgment, a reward for those who live for God.

    To live for God, then, is to understand that God’s time is not our time.  It is to be patient, faithful, and ever-mindful of the reality of God right beside us, right now.  God is doing something.  God is not absent.  God is not missing.  God waits.  Can we?

    Climb Higher – Kristine Miller
    Beginner’s Grace – Kate Braestrup
    A Place Called Freedom – Ken Follett

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