• Finding the Exit

    King David had six children by six different wives before he spied his bathing beauty (...who was likely just as gorgeous and unsuspecting as Erin Andrews...). Of course, this doesn't include any other wives or concubines that we don't know about.
    Yet when he eyed that prize, David, like us, felt that familiar temptation to take what wasn't his and do something he knew he shouldn't do.

    So David goes from thinking about it to exploring the possibility. He sends emissaries. Not only does he learn her name, but that she's married. Hmmm... she belongs to someone else... in Hebrew culture, an even bigger problem... But it doesn't stop him. Nor does her pregnancy. Nor does her husband, who he swiftly eliminates. All of these were not just road blocks on David's path of folly. But these were also potential exits. They were bumps to shake him back to his senses. Unfortunately he ignores them. In fact, it seems like nothing is going to stop the King. He has reached warp speed on what has become a superhighway.

    As we all know, the pursuit of those things we know we shouldn't do or have can turn into a dark paths, that can become roads that can become destinies. Our follies naturally evolve into all-consuming pursuits that profoundly change us, whether we acknowledge it or not. Thankfully for David, the Lord sent a prophet named Nathan to point to the exit ramp, which always means slowing down, changing direction, and finally coming to a halt.

    Chances are we're taking a look at or traveling down some sort of dark path, road or superhighway. What are the exit ramps we're passing up? How many more speed bumps will we have to plow over? What's keeping us from taking the next exit?

    An Altar to the World - Barbara Brown Taylor (A 'MUST READ')
    Be Prepared-Greenberg & Hayden
    Me of Little Faith - Lewis Black

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