• The Church Exists By Mission as Fire Exists By Burning

    The title of this week's entry is a quote from German theologian Emil Brunner and reminds us of this week's Gospel reading and the sending out of Jesus’ first converts.

    We hear about ‘conversion’ - a popular topic in the New Testament, and not just for the uninitiated. In fact the majority of conversion language used in the New Testament is aimed at followers of Jesus.
    Sure, we’re asked to ‘change’ when we agree to follow Christ-
    But it's as if we’re asked to change even more as we get to know Him.

    I remember a seminary professor saying that only 15% of conversions to Christianity are sudden, like Paul being struck from his horse, and 85% are gradual.

    They are like the disciples who slowly, but surely, figured out who Jesus was.
    Ever notice that the Bible does not record one instance of an Apostle being baptized?
    And, aside from Doubting Thomas, and his moment of Epiphany, we get the idea that Jesus became known to the disciples not all at once, but after repeated encounters.

    And that’s what happens to most of us.

    We come to trust in Christ gradually, sometimes very gradually-
    And it often happens in churches, where many of us have been attending for decades, and over a period of time, perhaps we can’t name the day or days, but we come to deeper and deeper places of following Jesus.

    And so we hear what happens to those who draw closer to that voice as Jesus, amidst his teaching tour, calls twelve people, impels these followers to do the one thing every Christian is charged to do:
    To go.
    Do something.
    Do something to change the world.

    Many of us forget about this essential, for it is so easy to do.
    In fact, most of us do!
    It's been said that 80% of America’s churches are not growing.
    The reasons are many and myriad-
    But we all know how easy it is to come and fellowship and worship and stay warm in this wonderful cocoon-
    -without realizing how essential our going forth in the name of Christ really is.

    But it is, for ‘The Church exists by mission as fire exists by burning."
    Jesus sends them out, gives us abilities, to do the same work He does.
    What might that work look like for us this week?

    Keeping the Baby Alive Till Your Wife Comes Home - Walter Roark
    Fireweed Evangelism - Elizabeth Geitz
    Transforming Disciples - Linda Grenz

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