• Hold that Flight!

    It’s that bustling, shifting pulse of humanity every one of us have witnessed at our local airports as we enter the terminal headed to our gates. Kids in strollers, businessmen on missions, ipod-ed teens in la-la land, and you and I trying to make our way through it all.

    What breaks the dull roar of a thousand echo-y conversations is the overhead P.A., “Flight 53 to New York is now boarding,” “Flight 2112 from Albany is now arriving,” and “Flight 987 to Atlanta has been delayed.” And when you and I stand back and watch, we see something rather remarkable.

    We notice a marketing executive cut short her cell phone conversation and head left, she’s obviously on the New York flight. We see the young husband and his two kids pick up the pace toward the Albany flight where Mom is preparing kisses and hugs for her loved ones after a week away. And we see a retired couple ease up on their pace and head into McDonald’s – they were probably headed to Atlanta.

    And here’s the rub - everybody hears the overhead announcements but only a few people hear the overhead announcements.

    I like to think that this is what was going on when Jesus walked along the Sea of Galilee and called those first four disciples. Surely everyone heard it - co-workers and relatives - but only four people heard it.

    Some people, when they find out I’m a priest, respond with a respectful, almost worshipful, envy – as if the ways I spend my days are more holy or hallowed than the way they spend theirs – as if priests have a call and everyone else has a job. But truth be told, every Christian simply responds to the voice they’ve heard. One is no better than the other. Each one is needed for Jesus' work to be done.

    So how has Christ called you?

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