• Joseph on the Couch

    “Well now Mr. Joseph, tell me how long have you been having these dreams?”
    Said the Austrian psychoanalyst to the humble carpenter-
    “Oh doctor, I guess I’ve had three or four in the last year or so.”
    “Ahh, and are there any similarities you see among them?”
    “Yes, in each one of them, there’s an angel who appears offering me guidance.”
    “I see.”
    “And every time I wake up I have to call the moving company.”
    “Yes, because the angel tells me to move to another city or country quickly or else!”
    “Ah. What do you mean, ‘or else?’”
    “Well, it’s that there’s danger lurking – serious threats to my wife and son – you know, he’s supposed to be the Messiah.”
    “I see. What do you mean by Messiah?”
    “Well, I’m not quite sure, because he’s not actually mine, he’s actually human and divine,.”
    “I see.”
    “And he’s supposed to grow up and redeem Israel from oppression as well as open the door to salvation to the entire universe.”
    “Do you mind if I tape record this session?”
    “Not at all.”
    “Has your son exhibited any tell-tale traits of a Messiah – you know, have his toys been miraculously fixed? Has he had seconds at the dinner table that mysteriously appear?”
    “No, none of that, he’s just an average kid.”
    “Hmm. Well, as you know, I believe the foundation of all dream content is wish-fulfillment, and that the instigation of a dream is always to be found in the events of the day preceding the dream.”
    “That means I have to ask you a few questions.”
    “How long have you been yearning to be the father of the Messiah?”
    “Never, really, it’s actually kind of a hassle.”
    “Hmm. And how long have you been wishing to see Israel redeemed?”
    “Oh, I guess as long as anyone. Though my major concern is staying in one place long enough to build up a clientele for my chair business.”
    “I see.”
    “So what should I do about these dreams, doctor?”
    “It’s clear to me that they are not linked to any paternal messianic yearnings, so I would adjust your diet. “
    “What do you mean?”
    “Try a glass of warm milk before you go to bed.”
    “And what about the angels? Should I do what they say?”
    “No, I would try to stay in one place long enough to establish some sort of regimen – stability being very important to the development of children.”
    “And what if they threaten us with danger?”
    “Just give them my card and I’ll be happy to talk with them. Now if you don't mind, I have another appointment waiting.”
    “Thanks so much for the advice, and I’ll make sure and pass along your card Dr. Freud.”

    And we humans have been trying to understand the ways God speaks with us ever since.

    While we rarely enjoy the concreteness of dreams and apparitions, it can take just as much faith to believe God is speaking to us through our prayers, intuitions and circumstances. And so we ask: How does direction come in our lives? How might the Lord be trying to talk to us now? In what ways can we listen more in the year ahead?

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