• Gabriel’s Travel Log: Mary Wasn’t First

    Exactly how the angel Gabriel came to visit Mother Mary “In the sixth month,” as the Bible claims can now be more firmly established with the discovery of travel logs dating back some two thousand years.

    The logs were unearthed in what is believed to be a one-time union hall for heavenly messengers (the United Angel Workers?). Travel logs from supposed ‘angels,’ like Gabriel, also purport to belong to individuals named ‘Michael,’ Uriel,’ and ‘Raphael,’ among others.

    These logs lay out the angels’ travels for the five months preceding the encounter with Mary and, for the first time suggest that the virgin from Nazareth was not the first to be recruited as a potential mother of God. Archaeologists believe dozens of other young women were approached prior to Gabriel’s now famous meeting with Mother Mary. Here are some of the newly discovered travel log entries:

    “Gabriel: Month One: Arrived Sephoris 0700 hours. Approached woman named Zelda walking home from fruit market. Informed her of plan to become God’s mother. Subject ran away screaming. Had fruit for lunch.”

    “Michael: Month Two: Arrived Cesarea Phillipi 0700 hours. Encountered woman named Gladys walking along road with water buckets. Shared with her plan to bear God’s child. Subject interested but requesting remuneration.”

    “Raphael: Month Three: Arrived Decapolis 0900. hours Encountered eight woman at a book club. Detailed God’s plan to come to earth in human form. Subjects appeared interested and began asking questions. 1300 hours: Breaking for lunch, still answering questions. 1700 hours: Requested to return tomorrow to answer more questions. ”

    “ Gabriel: Month Four: Rome 0700 hours - 1700 hours: Unable to locate a virgin.”

    After sifting through hundreds of such entries archeologists and theologians have concluded that Mary’s response to God’s plan as detailed in the Bible, “Here am I, the servant of the Lord; let it be with me according to your word,” was truly unique.

    How are we responding to God’s plan for us?

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