• Stay Awake!

    When I was in college I had a roommate who studied pre-med. In order to stay up late to cram for his exams he longed for the benefits of caffeine, but, however, hated coffee. To assuage his taste buds he came up with a solution: a coffee sandwich. That's right, he would take a piece of white bread and pour a small mountain of granulated, instant coffee atop it, then sandwich it with a second slice of bread. Just as leaves bring fall and Advent brings Christmas, when we noticed a new jar of Folger's Instant in the dorm room we knew final exams were just around the corner.

    Stay awake! is the theme of Advent I's Scripture reading, albeit laden with all sorts of apocalyptic imagery, as you and I are adjured to prepare for a second coming that has taken two thousand plus years and counting. Stay Awake! we're told, and we contemplate such a warning is the pinnacle of crying wolf. When will he come? What must we do to prepare?

    As we know Advent is the beginning of the Christian year, and New Year's is always an appropriate time to make resolutions - it's a way to prepare ourselves. So here are some suggested resolutions you may want to make, or at least talk about, in the week ahead.

    This holiday season:

    1. I will spend more money on _____________ and less money on ____________.

    2. I will spend more time on ___________ and less time on _________.

    3. I will spend more time reading _______________ and less time reading ____________.

    4. I will eat more __________________ and I will eat less _______________.

    5. I will be nicer to ______________ and I will help _____________ without being asked.

    What are some of your Advent resolutions?

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